Monday, August 13, 2012

Sacred People or Busted up vessels are cool!

According to a scripture in the bible job 32 something it is God's breath in man that gives him intelligence. That along with the idea that all people are created in the image of God moves me to consider others different than I have. People, all people no matter what vocation or utility they perform or status are intrinsically valuable and sacred.

What does this mean? "People are sacred." Is this something I believe, actually believe? I don't know for sure. I want to cultivate this belief and act accordingly. Below is a picture that has caused me to do some thinking.

I like the idea of seeing mended things as more valuable or more beautiful than unused or unbroken things. I really like weathered people who have been seasoned by life and have come through the back side of difficulty. They seem to have a grace that is palpable. 

There was a band years ago called Jars of Clay. They still might be playing. I don't know. I really liked their name. Taking a moment and considering what kind of vessel i would be I must admit that I have a lot of holes. I don't feel full of grace or self worth all the time.

Often times i feel that as soon I am full and feeling content in life and  in relationship with the Father that I am right back where I was before. Busted and empty. It is though in my emptiest and most broken times that I realize how fragile I am,  how needy I am, how human I am. 

Lately though I starting to feel as if this emptiness or human-ness is not just mine alone. But when I call upon it and try to connect with others from this vantage point of being broken, authentic, or human that I am able to see others as sacred and their individual presence is better understood. I am not just interacting with a person but what makes that person sacred in their human-ness. 

This has been interesting for me so i thought I would share a little. Hopefully i will continue running with this string later on.

Let me know what you think about the sacredness of others.