What does this mean? "People are sacred." Is this something I believe, actually believe? I don't know for sure. I want to cultivate this belief and act accordingly. Below is a picture that has caused me to do some thinking.
I like the idea of seeing mended things as more valuable or more beautiful than unused or unbroken things. I really like weathered people who have been seasoned by life and have come through the back side of difficulty. They seem to have a grace that is palpable.
There was a band years ago called Jars of Clay. They still might be playing. I don't know. I really liked their name. Taking a moment and considering what kind of vessel i would be I must admit that I have a lot of holes. I don't feel full of grace or self worth all the time.
Often times i feel that as soon I am full and feeling content in life and in relationship with the Father that I am right back where I was before. Busted and empty. It is though in my emptiest and most broken times that I realize how fragile I am, how needy I am, how human I am.
Lately though I starting to feel as if this emptiness or human-ness is not just mine alone. But when I call upon it and try to connect with others from this vantage point of being broken, authentic, or human that I am able to see others as sacred and their individual presence is better understood. I am not just interacting with a person but what makes that person sacred in their human-ness.
This has been interesting for me so i thought I would share a little. Hopefully i will continue running with this string later on.
Let me know what you think about the sacredness of others.
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