I have some friends who look at life through spiritual lenses but they are very different. For the most part they seem to want the same things. How they get there often times will be a point of contention.
One party will want to convince the other parties that their way is better and that they know the "truth" while the other party is wrong or even "lost" in their pursuits.
personally, i have spent (likely wasted) a lot of time in some of these discussions and have reached a place where I hope that the people who i have had such discussions find what they are looking for or hoping for. I really do hope this for them.
However, I am not going to concern myself so much whether they are right or I am wrong or vice versa. I am just going to keep doing what works for me.
All the debating and intellectual exercises that really don't seem to go anywhere at least not here on FB have become tedious. They seem to get in the way of what i really want to experience.
I don't need to feel justified, or right, or superior. What i am cultivating is a life or way of living that is full of experiencing well being, bliss, contentment, wisdom, and health in my day to day and in each moment of the present as is possible. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy and am absolutely a seeker and want to know all i can. I think I would rather have these discussions over tea or coffee or big fat piece of chocolate cheesecake somewhere instead of in front of a screen. I would rather connect with people in a much more organic way than debate them on FB.
I want our humanity to touch not just our ideas or the ideas that we regurgitate of others. I am excited to hear about your new experiences and original thoughts and new revelations. These things get me excited. What i don't want to do is Face Book fight club. It seems really shallow and self indulging and like i said earlier tedious.
Here are a few definitions or ideas of things that most of us seem to be working toward and in many cases experiencing.
wisdom : ability to discern inner qualities and relationships
contented : feeling or showing satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation
bliss : complete happiness
well being : the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous
joy : the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires
health : the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially : freedom from physical disease or pain.
Yeah, I would rather have them over coffee as well.I do think though that the fb discussions can be helpful, in that it allows others to easily challenge any faulty thinking or logic one might have.